Advance level Chan Tea class - Turning the cup of tea with gentle, the tea leaves blossom like delicate yellow flowers.
2017-08-21 13-17-12 来源: 作者:Miaoyang 点击:次
Without enemy,
without enmity.
Hold no grudge,
face no danger.
No pain to bear,
no sorrow to suffer.
Live in joy forever.
Joy; Joy; Joy forever.
The first time I listened to the “song of compassion cultivation”, I was deeply attracted by it and fell in love with it. Like the song from heaven, it sent blessings to the softest part of my heart. I was quieted down immediately. The joy spread to every cell of my body.
One of the essential parts of the advance Chan Tea class is to make the “tea of kindness and compassion” while listening to the “song of compassion cultivation”. As the name suggests, to make it, we need to brew the tea with kindness and compassion. Kindness could bring the happiness to us and compassion could relieve us from suffering. With them, we make our tea.
To make this tea, we first send blessings to ourselves. Let kindness and compassion fill our body and mind. Next, we send blessings to tea cups, pots, tools, etc. After that, we extend our blessings to friends, classmates, as well as all living beings in all directions and spaces. The practice of making “tea of kindness and compassion” is based on the Chan meditation by means of the organ of hearing. In addition, it cultivates our mind and makes kindness and compassion a habit.
Along with soothing and relaxing music, the whole space becomes quiet. My body and mind melt into the music gradually. “Without enmity, without enemy”, with these lyrics, my heart opens and all negative emotions evaporate. “Living in joy forever”, with these words, the peaceful energy as well as sunshine gathers in my body.
Brewing tea with kind and compassion, let them talk with Gaiwan, so Gaiwan could hold the water gently and gracefully. Let them talk with water, so water could hold the tea leaves with love and tea becomes sweet and smooth. Let them talk with tea leaves, so they could dance elegantly in water.
“Brewing the tea in the pot with care, it turns to delightful yellowish liquid. Turning the cup of tea with gentle, the tea leaves blossom like delicate yellow flowers.” Made with kind and compassion, the tea is smooth, soft and refreshing. Just like a perfect scroll, it will be memorized forever. After brewing it, the joy and easy fill every corner of me. Tea and I merge together: I am in it, it is in me. Like a lithe tea leaf, I am dancing gracefully in the tea.